this is a place for me to store the writing I do in my free time. I’m making this public because I hope that someone will find value in what I write. it’s important to note that this page is a reflection of me, unadulterated. there’s no order to this website, and it’s plain on purpose. in time, this website will find its depth and art and intricacy. hope you enjoy.
Journal on Autumn, my thoughts and fears.
How can it be, that in autumn’s death
I still hear so much of her breathing?
of life. of longing. of nightingales inlaid with weeping.
I feel caught in a vice of my own sensation
I know her chill and I fear it.
but when golden bright enfolds dead leaves
I can feel the warmth in their loving.
and I love it, too.
no words, just breathing
When I go outside and sit,
and am faced with such exquisiteness,
I laugh and sing and think of how,
I could ever let darkness in.
I’m the mote of dust, that Earth breathes in, and out
what a crime to call us separate!
Played upon the light-flung slopes,
like fingers cascading; trickling sunlight as water across cobblestones.
People dancing upon the heights - golden and dragonflies
blessed wingbeats caress the cheek of the moon and
you see yourself reflected in the many-hued columns
of what you know you’ll find, inside.
let quiet win
I try and let the silence in.
Coursing through my veins and heart,
A melody of whispered wind.
I open up and feel it’s fingers
The worlds subtle, loving touch.
Freeverse Love Song (to the ocean)
I sit alone, in the moment before
the wave crashes.
In the place between places,
Caught in the little death
Between inhale and exhale.
I’m whole, safe in the ocean’s breathing
- cradled.
Blues, in the white of her eyes.
i love you
Circumspect whispers blowing from on high.
They are plain, prophetic,
even less than a breeze, they play across my eyelids turning skin into dust.
Into whirlwinds, carried on the beats, and breath of wings.
They sing, they sigh and they float within my iris.
fruit on the tree
I return to the orange grove-
the one that I was born in so many times before
I exist in never-ending stasis
because nobody told me when to start
seeing the world through rose colored eyelids
I am the teeth that rip myself apart.